Shipping Management
Our Shipping Engine integrates with any package carrier that provides Internet based package tracking. Storing all data on a company’s pre-negotiated rates, the module empowers fulfillment professionals to focus on getting packages shipped on time and not wasting it looking for the best rates.
- Tracking After obtaining tracking number from the shipper, the system ties directly into any carrier that provides online tracking, and aggregates tracking information into the DynaLogix system, regardless of the carrier or service utilized.
- Auto-Auditing for Shipping Refunds Realize a powerful return on your investment! The shipping module pulls received confirmation data for each carrier used, and generates reports allowing the Shipper to obtain refunds on packages that were guaranteed to arrive at a particular time, but did not.
- Statistics have shown that 3-5% of all packages arrive late! Accommodates volume-based discount thresholds and resulting defaults for preferred shipper profiles.
- Full support for Package Dimensional Weight (PDW) calculations